ALLTO Software

Adjust ALLPLAN to your workflow by integration possibilities of ALLPLAN Software

Source:; Allplan Precast

Structural Engineering

Allplan provides several technologies for implementing automation in the design and manufacturing process, enabling easy-to-use automated workflows and better productivity. These include visual scripting, ALLPLAN Python API (pythonparts) , Bimplus, and the Bimplus API.


In computing, a visual programming language or block coding is a programming language that lets users create programs by manipulating program elements graphically rather than by specifying them textually.

Using a simple GUI (graphical user interface) you can create your own customized solution. Allplan offers an integrated Visual Scripting tool for time-saving parametric modeling of complex shapes, creation of frequently used customized objects and for automating workflows.

Visual scripting has been integrated into Allplan, enabling designers to create custom workflows and automate tasks without needing any coding knowledge. Using an intuitive graphical user interface, designers can create a sequence of commands that the software will execute automatically. This allows designers to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as creating multiple similar elements or adjusting multiple parameters across different elements.

With visual scripting, designers can create complex workflows with ease, increasing their efficiency and productivity. Furthermore, visual scripting allows designers to iterate through their designs quickly and easily, enabling them to refine their designs and explore more options. This leads to better design quality and faster project delivery times.

With visual scripting, designers can create complex workflows with ease, increasing their efficiency and productivity.


The ALLPLAN Python API can be utilized by PythonParts, which provide sophisticated custom functions in Allplan. The Allplan Python API is a powerful programming interface that allows developers to create customized and automated workflows using Python, a popular and easy-to-use scripting language.

This provides a high degree of flexibility and control over the design process, enabling developers to automate repetitive or time-consuming tasks, streamline workflows, and reduce errors.

By leveraging the Python API, designers can significantly increase their productivity, accuracy, and efficiency.

Moreover, Python is widely used in the software development industry, meaning that it is easier to find a developer with the necessary skills to create custom workflows. By leveraging the Python API, designers can significantly increase their productivity, accuracy, and efficiency.

As Allplan Partner Solution, ALLTO develops professional add-ons that are compatible with ALLPLAN software. Users also appreciate our expertise and willingness to work closely with them to meet their individual needs.

The required Python version is already installed together with Allplan. The standard Python installation of Allplan contains all parts of the Python framework that are required to run the PythonParts supplied by Allplan. You can find it in the Allplan program directory under …\Prg\Python. Getting started here >


Bimplus developed by ALLPLAN is an innovative OpenBIM platform that provides a collaborative environment for designers, engineers, and other stakeholders to work together on a project.

This cloud-based platform offers a wide range of tools and features that enable users to manage their project data more effectively and efficiently.

With Bimplus, users can import content from other software tools and manage it seamlessly within the platform, supporting numerous workflows. This makes it easy to work with data from a variety of sources and to collaborate with other team members who may be using different software tools.

Bimplus enables users to export data to other programs for further analysis, ensuring that critical project information is not lost or overlooked. This capability allows for greater collaboration, communication, and efficiency in the design and manufacturing process.

Additionally, Bimplus enables users to export data to other programs for further analysis, ensuring that critical project information is not lost or overlooked. This capability allows for greater collaboration, communication, and efficiency in the design and manufacturing process.

Moreover, Bimplus provides a central location for all project data, which improves data accessibility and streamlines project management.

With Bimplus you get the cloud-based collaborative platform to support all your communication needs. Solve the challenges of communicating the right information with the right people at the right time.

Communicate and collaborate with project partners in real time. Maximize the quality of your projects through cloud-based visualization and ensure successful exchange of information on site. Deliver projects to the total satisfaction of your clients.


Bimplus API can include automating data transfers between different software tools, creating custom reports, or integrating Bimplus data with other systems. By synchronizing their models inside Bimplus, stakeholders can collaborate more effectively, reducing errors and misunderstandings.

The Bimplus API is a powerful technology that allows external partners to customize the platform to specific workflows and integrate their models directly into Bimplus. This enables designers, engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders to work together seamlessly, regardless of their location or the software tools they are using. By using the Bimplus API, external partners can create custom integrations that automate workflows, streamline processes, and improve efficiency. 

This can include automating data transfers between different software tools, creating custom reports, or integrating Bimplus data with other systems. By synchronizing their models inside Bimplus, stakeholders can collaborate more effectively, reducing errors and misunderstandings.

Furthermore, a wide range of programming languages is supported, making it easy for external partners to create custom integrations using the tools and programming languages they are most familiar with. The Bimplus API provides a flexible and powerful platform that enables external partners to work more collaboratively, communicate more effectively, and deliver better designs in less time.

The following figure describes the relation between the Bimplus portal and the API.

allplan bimplus api

Please find a quick start tutorial here >

Bimplus API provides RESTful services for accessing, creating, modifying and deleting different levels of information in a building model on our Bimplus platform.

These are the project relevant services available at the moment:

These are the administration relevant services available at the moment:

For further details see the Bimplus api reference


Introducing automation tools into design, engineering and manufacturing workflows has the potential to transform the industry by improving productivity, efficiency, and quality.

From Visual Scripting and the Python API, to Bimplus and its API, there are a wide range of tools available to help designers and engineers automate their workflows, reduce errors, and improve collaboration.

The benefits of automation are clear, and it is up to firms to take advantage of the many opportunities that automation presents to improve their design processes and ultimately, the success of their projects.

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