ALLTO Software

ALLTO PythonParts for Precast Concrete Design

Faster. Easier. Accurate.

Automated Beam Precast Reinforcement in Allplan Software

Precast Concrete can save 50-80% of the time spent on creating prefab elements and you also can reuse it.

As Allplan Partner Solution, ALLTO develops professional add-ons that are compatible with ALLPLAN software to help users maximise the value of Allplan.

We value every client and strive to satisfy each person’s and firm’s needs. We stand ready to work with you to ensure easy and effective use of our ALLPLAN Python Parts.

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ALLTO Beam Precast Reinforcement PythonParts!

Our clients & Partners

Thank you – Our Clients around the globe for showing trust in us. We will keep satisfying you with our products and services. We value every client and strive to satisfy each person’s and firm’s needs. We stand ready to work with you to ensure easy and effective use of our ALLTO Python Parts.

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Personal Support to Secure Your BIM Benefits

We value every client and strive to satisfy each person's and firm's needs. We stand ready to work with you to ensure easy and effective use of our ALLPLAN Python Parts. Faster. Easier. Accurate.


• Download, installation & activation assistance
• Quick tips and fixes for any software issues
• Regular product updates, timely patches
• New versions (and previous, if required)



• User guides and documentation
• Step-by-step video tutorials
• Expert tips via our blog
• Live webinars



Personal training helps new ALLPLAN users get off to a quick start and maximize the benefits from the software.

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