Automated Strip Footing Reinforcement v1.0 in ALLPLAN - by ALLTO

Strip foundations (or strip footings) are a type of shallow foundation that are used to provide a continuous, level (or sometimes stepped) strip of support to a linear structure such as a wall or closely-spaced rows of columns built centrally above them. ALLTO set up a friendly interface and all you need to do is input the data to create the strip foundation. The work can be done in a few minutes.

It would be nice to have a “strip footing” tool, without having to need a wall with which to attach a foundation to. We understand a lot of people model strip foundations as ground bearing slabs, sketching the outlines for each element. It would be simpler and easier for users to set a strip foundation width and depth, and then click between two points to create the strip footing.

ALLTO set up a friendly interface and all you need to do is input the data to create the strip foundation. The work can be done in a few minutes.

Here’s the basic workflow for using Strip Foundation Reinforcement. 

1. Open ALLTO window of Strip foundation reinforcement and create new configuration.

Strip Footing Reinforcement tool for ALLPLAN users

2. Transverse Section

In ‘Transverse Section’ Tab, you can: 

  • Define concrete cover, height, width and bottom elevation of the foundation.  
  • Switch the layer between transverse and longitudinal rebar. 
  • Change positioning axis to easier define reinforcement. 
In ‘Transverse Section’ Tab, you can: Define concrete cover, height, width and bottom elevation of the foundation. Switch the layer between transverse and longitudinal rebar

3. Transverse Rebar

Transverse rebar can be a Pin or a closed stirrup. 

  • You can define hook lengthhook angle and diameter for Closed stirrup. 
  • With Pin, Top Pin also supported. 
  • Spacing could be defined to 3 regions with different spacings
strip footing Transverse rebar

4. Longitudinal Rebar

Longitudinal rebar can be created by spacing or numberYou also can add hook and define offset if neededTop longitudinal rebar is also supported. 

For long strip footingdefined maximum length and lap length to automatically cut rebar. 

strip foundation longitudinal rebar

5. Side Rebar

Stick include side rebar in this tab 

Stick include side rebar in this tab

6. Create reinforcement

Creating reinforcement for strip footing by clicking on button.

Click start and end axis points. 3 transverse rebar regions with different spacing has created. You can automatically cut the rebar base on maximum length. 

* Note: Please check the positioning axis in ‘transverse section’ tab

Stick include side rebar in this tab

7. Starter Rebar

Starter rebar is included in ‘starter’ tabYou can defined wall widthconcrete cover and starter lengthDefine distance to the edge ot click ‘center’ if wall is at center of the foundationYou can choose 3 types of starter rebar: Pin, 1 L shape or 2 L shape. 

Alsoyou can choose whether or not to adapt starter rebar to longitudinal rebar. Then, click  to create the reinforcement.

Starter rebar is included in ‘starter’ tab. You can defined wall width, concrete cover and starter length

8. Save and Load Favorite

You can save your all input as a favourite file (.json) by clicking on   . Then you will see a popup box allow you to save the favorite with name and where to save it. It’s said  ‘save data successfully’.

Load favorite file can help you quickly define all input for strip footing by clicking on  to load the .json file you have saved. 

9. Create as reinforcement or Pythonpart element

You can create reinforcements as normal rebars or PythonPart element with position name. 

You can create reinforcements as normal rebars or PythonPart element with position name.

Click on  create one python part element, also contain reinforcement. You can double click to python part element to modify it. You are freely copy, paste/move/rotate the python part element. 

9. Edit and Automate updating by double click or by defined name

Click any PythonPart element and modify it. Then, click to update and re-confirm the message you want to update. All the PythonPart elements with same shape and position name will be updated.

Open the dialog to creating new element and modify it. Click update button and input a position name. All the PythonPart elements with same shape and position name will be highlighted. Re-confirm the message to update all position name was found.

Strip Footing Reinforcement is a feature of our PythonParts for ALLPLAN, which covers modeling and documentation of elements and reinforcement of walls, beams, columns and now strips foundation.

Take a free  trial of Strip Foundation Reinforcement.

Email us at to get the installation file that matches your Allplan version. 

  • Open ALLPLAN. 
  • In the ALLTO library, select Strip Foundation. 
  • Activation code will be sent to you via email. 
  • Enter the activation code. 
  • Trial away! 
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